Home insulation 
innovation challenge

In the movement towards a sustainable and climate-neutral Arnhem, insulating all homes and buildings is one of the significant societal challenges of the moment.

This enables Arnhemresidents to save on energy costs and become less vulnerable to flucuations in gas and energy prices. Therefore, the municipality of Arnhem challenges the market to come up with innovative solutions and applications.

35,000 homes

The municipality of Arnhem aims to have 35,000 homes insulated to the national insulation standard by 2030.

Climate-neutral in 2050

Arnhem values sustainability and aims to be climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest. For this purpose, fast and effective measures are necessary.

What are your chances?

worth €60K

Access to

Follow-up assignments

National scaling

Arnhem climate-neutral in 2050

Arnhem considers sustainability important and wants to be climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest. This requires rapid and effective measures. That means we cannot continue at the pace we have now. We have to speed up. A fundamental change is necessary.

Arnhem climate-neutral in 2050

Arnhem considers sustainability important and wants to be climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest. This requires rapid and effective measures. That means we cannot continue at the pace we have now. We have to speed up. A fundamental change is necessary.

Solutions from within and outside the insulation sector

Through this home insulation innovation challenge, we bring new concepts and solutions to Arnhem. We are also looking for companies outside the insulation sector that have a solution for the barriers people experience when implementing insulation measures.

Solutions from within and outside the insulation sector

Through this home insulation innovation challenge, we bring new concepts and solutions to Arnhem. We are also looking for companies outside the insulation sector that have a solution for the barriers people experience when implementing insulation measures.

Innovative approach home insulation

By launcing this innovation challenge, testing new concepts and entering into new coalitions, we are pursuing a trend break that is necessary to be able to realize the total insulation task.

Innovative approach home insulation

By launcing this innovation challenge, testing new concepts and entering into new coalitions, we are pursuing a trend break that is necessary to be able to realize the total insulation task.

Timeline challenges

Launching challenges
August 7

Online information session 
September 11, 13:00-14:00

Deadline Challenges
October 12 17:00 

Announcement selection
November 10

Pitch & Matchmaking Event
November 30, 2023

Start collaboration/pilot
December 2023

Partners insulation challenge

The home insulation innovation challenge was initiated by the municipality of Arnhem. They do this together with the city: homeowners, companies, (neighborhood) initiatives, corporations, VvEs and landlords. Only together can we ensure a sustainable Arnhem.

News and background

Read more about the home insulation innovation challenge: background, interviews, challenge updates and results.

See all updates


Do you have questions about the home insulation innovation challenge? 
Contact Tineke.

Tineke de Vries

Arnhems Isolatieprogramma

+31 (0)6 20 54 64 93


Do you have the solution?

Send a message to Tineke

An initiative of:

Municipality of Arnhem